Saturday, February 4, 2012

Media Misdirect: Donald Trump Endorses Romney for President (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | In what was either a political double-cross or a media misdirect of some sort, business mogul Donald Trump announced Thursday that he was endorsing Mitt Romney for president. Much of the media, including outlets like the Associated Press, had been reporting that sources from within the Gingrich campaign had indicated that the celebrity businessman would soon announce an endorsement of their candidate.

Talk about getting juked out of your shoes...

At an impromptu news conference in Las Vegas, as reported by CBS News, Trump told the gathering of reporters, " Mitt is tough, he's smart, he's sharp, he's not going to allow bad things to continue to happen to this country that we all love...So Governor Romney, go out and get 'em, you can do it."

He further noted that Romney seemed to be the only candidate to notice how the country was getting "ripped off" by those that it dealt with and how Romney recognized how OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) and China were " absolutely destroying this country."

But what about supporting Newt Gingrich? When asked about reports that he was to throw his support behind the former Speaker, Trump said, "They put that out." He insisted that he never told anyone he was backing Gingrich.

But what about the sources? The National Journal noted that they had confirmed the Gingrich endorsement through Gingrich sources that wish to remain anonymous.

Good thing, considering that their employer has been left without a Trump endorsement.

The Wall Street Journal also reported that sources within the Gingrich camp had confirmed the Trump endorsement.

The Associated Press also ran with the Gingrich endorsement story Wednesday evening. Up until Trump's press conference, many thought Gingrich had the businessman's endorsement sewn up.

The good news for Republicans might not be in the endorsement itself, but in the Trump announcement that if Romney went on to win the Republican nomination in August, he would not run as a third party candidate. An independent candidacy, at least from the Republican Party perspective, could spell certain defeat in November, drawing away conservative voters that would most likely vote for the Republican candidate if the independent contender had not entered the race. Of course, leaving the spectre of a Trump candidacy in the cards should Gingrich get the nomination might also sway some undecided voters away from Gingrich as well.

So which was it? Just a bunch of reporters getting their stories wrong or someone misdirecting the media, such as Trump himself (known for manipulating the media and finding ways to keep himself in the spotlight, especially when his television show, "Celebrity Apprentice," is due to begin a seasonal run). Could there have been a political double-cross, one where certain things were said, perhaps promised, then removed from consideration?

Many scenarios are possible, but it is difficult to see campaign staffers and/or officials within the Gingrich organization confirming endorsement stories without some solid reason for doing so. Politics being what they are, politicians and the people that work for them are usually very circumspect when confirming endorsements and do not base their "leaked" information, even if given anonymously, on wishful thinking.

And a complete media misdirect with an endorsement made in the City of Sin, in the land of big deals and bigger gambles, seems all about presentation and not at all about substance.

Something that has been said about Donald Trump all too often.

Besides, the new season of "Celebrity Apprentice" begins in two weeks.


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