Monday, October 8, 2012

Finding An SEO Agency | Content for Reprint

Author: Jeremy Yeomann | Total views: 91 Comments: 0
Word Count: 871 Date:

Whatever we may do in life, we have always been taught to proceed with caution; to take care in our decisions and step lightly to avoid any nasty surprises or hiccups and believe it or not, the same theory applies with online marketing. As a business, as in fact any business; success is the natural aim and securing the longevity of our company for ourselves and employees is a given; after all why would we go into business if we did not wish for it to succeed? in today's advanced, internet obsessed world everyone, everywhere is now arguing that the only route to such desired success is via online marketing but is that true? Well, to put it bluntly, yes.

In a world where those without social media profiles are seen as 'weird' and children as young as the age of nine are glued to the latest smartphone; technology now dictates our every move and Google is now the ultimate power that provides the answers to everything. In the UK alone, over 80 per cent of households now have access to the internet which means that for any need, desire or urgent want; we now log onto Google and inadvertently ask for help with those all-important keywords. If we want a 'red dress', a 'chocolate fountain for hire' or even a 'cheap divorce lawyer' we now go directly into Google and put 100 per cent trust in the first two pages of results; if Google deems them to be good enough for page one and two then they must surely have the answers we seek.

As a result of the rising trust we, as users, have placed into Google's search results; SEO, otherwise referred to as search engine optimisation, is now one of the must haves for a business. In today's internet savvy society a search engine optimised website can now be the difference between success and failure but how, as a business do we deem the right path to take? With online marketing rapidly growing in popularity; SEO consultants, PPC specialists and anyone else in between is now trying to grab your attention and promise your business ultimate results but there are a few things you will need to be wary off before you jump into bed with an SEO agency. First of all, SEO is no magic fix and anyone worth their salt will know that the optimisation of a website and an overall online presence will take time, effort and a lot of patience; with the first glimmer of results sometimes taking months to appear on Google; thus for any agency to offer you ultimate success and that number one top spot in a matter of days is lying. Well, perhaps we are being a little too redundant, do not get us wrong there is actually a possibility to get ones website those dream rankings in an instant but rest assured; the methods are highly illegal in the world of online marketing and Google will find out before you can blink, and your business will end up lost in a big black hole and unable to get out.

No agency, truly interested in your success will offer such promises, in fact there are no guarantees within SEO and the right agency will make you aware of this, but will never refrain from doing everything in their power to help. When budgets must be crucially watched it is wise to invest in an SEO agency that is results based. Any agency can boast skill, innovation and determination but do they have the results to back it up? Successful agencies will have years of experience and will have helped many companies achieve success; success that they will never be afraid to show off. As previously mentioned, time and money is of the essence in today's struggling economy which is why it may be a wise move to take time and ask for a trial service or test. No body wishes to sign on the dotted line and hand over a years' worth of advertising budget without really knowing what they are getting in for and thus it would be wise to take in discussions, think things through, get to really know the agency and agree to a test, site audit or anything else that is being offered; it won't cost you a penny and could be a fantastic help in making the right decision.

Above all else, when seeking to find the right SEO agency it is of great importance to ask around and never be afraid to seek recommendations. The move you will make and the decision you take can have a phenomenal impact on your business success so talk to previous clients about their dealings with certain SEO companies and you shall soon find the answers you seek. Whatever your business may be; there is no doubt that online marketing and it's components are an essential element to success but be careful of the underhanded companies that seem happy to help but do quite the opposite. Research, take time and be careful in your dealings but do not be too afraid as the right SEO agency is out there.

An avid SEO and PPC specialist; Jeremy has years of experience in search engine marketing. Jeremy possesses years of experience and can advise on anything and everything from the latest tips to crucial brand growth factors. Please visit

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