Friday, November 30, 2012

News: The U.S. is Blocking Energy Wealth and Jobs | Pitts Report

The Governing Class and the Decline of America
Steve McCann
The United States finds itself in a circumstance once thought unthinkable. An ill-educated and near morally bankrupt society increasingly made up of those dependent on government combined with a governing class whose primary interest is themselves. More

The U.S. is Blocking Energy Wealth and Jobs

  • You know you?re in trouble when ?

    You know you?re in trouble as a nation when the Communist Party USA is openly celebrating the re-election of the president. And that is exactly what is happening in late November 2012. The Stalinists are calling Barack Obama?s win a ?victory for the people.? As a former communist (note small c), I can translate that for you. It means a ?victory for communism ? or, more precisely, a victory for the party.? Just listen to some of the hyperbolic and ecstatic rhetoric: ?We meet on the heels of an enormous people?s victory. It was a long and bitterly contested battle?

  • Is a Good, Old-Fashioned Purge in Order for the GOP? (Fiscal Cliff,?Obama?s road to Communism)

    On November 19, Pravda?s Xavier Lerma wrote an article asserting that President (I use the term loosely) Barack Obama had been re-elected ?by an illiterate society.? Some conservatives have been wont to dismiss and ridicule some of the dead-on assessments of the former Soviet newspaper since it was once in fact a Soviet newspaper. Some of this dismissal and ridicule did occur relative to Lerma?s piece; I think however, that such observations made by those who have been there and done that ought to be considered, if not heeded. Lerma writes ?He [Obama] is a Communist without question promoting the?

Target: Old White Men
Selwyn Duke
Who forged the West? Who birthed democracy? Who improved upon it, giving us our Constitution and modern republican government? There is a reason why most of the busts and pictures of legendary figures portray old white men. More

Michigan Governor Won't Rule Out Dissolving City Of Detroit...
Oakland Crime Rate Soars As City Loses Officers; 33 Burglaries A Day...
Post Office Chief Lays Out Plan for Survival; Eliminate Mail Delivery On Saturday...

  • Give Obama what he wants: Implosion is exactly what America needs in order to find its fiscal way

    The best thing the Republicans could do right now is to give Obama everything that he wants. Those of us who think, rather than feel, understand that Obama?s course will end up with the United States going bankrupt, because there isn?t enough money on the planet, much less the US, to pay for all the goodies the Democrats want to bestow on their favored constituents. Just to give you an example of how hopeless the situation is, the combined net worth of the Forbes list of America?s 400 wealthiest people is just over $1.7 trillion. So if you confiscate 100%?

  • Five theories about Obama?s meeting with Romney

    ? Obama is having Mitt Romney over for lunch on Thursday and their meeting is already generating a lot of buzz. Here are five theories about the White House?s motives?. 1. Obama is extending a common courtesy? 2. Obama will offer Romney a Cabinet job? 3. Obama will enlist Romney in the fiscal cliff debate? 4. Obama wants Romney?s advice on business issues? 5. Obama wants closure on the 2012 presidential election, or something else??.

Why Ingraham is Right and Perry is Wrong on Illegal Immigration and the Vote
Jack Eldon Jackson
To properly articulate the conservative message on illegal immigration (and it is a good, quintessentially American one), we?ll have to return to first principles. More

Losing the Latino Vote
Gil Dominguez
A large and widely undereducated voting bloc that will keep Democrats in power for the foreseeable future. And the country will be the worse off because of it. More



Dems dig in over reform...

Libs have series of demands...



  • Reuters Thinks Going From 100% to 35% Tax Rate Will Be a Burden for Cubans

    Reuters somehow can?t recognize a 100% tax rate even when it is right under their noses in their own article. Reporter Marc Frank apparently thinks that going to a 35% tax rate would somehow be more of a burden for Cubans than their current tax rate which is 100%. Frank even wrote about the 100% tax rate but absurdly didn?t recognize the fact that total confiscation of revenue is the same thing: Under the old system, large and small state-run companies, which accounted for more than 90 percent of economic activity, simply handed over all their revenues to the government,?

  • Just What Was Fundamentally Wrong with Bolshevism?

    I recently read the new biography of Trotsky by Oxford don Robert Service, published in 2009 by Pan Books. It is well-written and surprisingly interesting. The book does a great public service in describing the life of the actual Trotsky, whose previous ?biographies? were little more than hagiographies written by his toady worshippers (people like Isaac Deutscher). The last time that I had taken any interest in Trotsky was when I was a teenager and had fleeting delusions of believing in ?socialism.? Reading the new book as an adult and as an economist, I found it a useful opportunity to?

  • The Madness Of A Lost Society

    Thu Nov 29 08:27:37 2012 ? by BCW

    While we are very far gone at the moment as a society, never forget there are millions of people out there fighting for what is right and we will succeed in ushering in a new and more positive era for life on earth. These 11 minutes are well worth your time.

No Apologies For Romney's Loss -- By Stuart Stevens...

PAPER: Two-thirds of millionaires left Britain to avoid 50% tax rate...

Militant Socialism in America
Eileen F. Toplansky
We need to be better marketers for liberty. We need to call Obama out when he creates a web of deceit. If he can come up with one-liners for his party line, so can we. More

A Tax Increase Primer
Henry Oliner
If we want a more progressive tax policy with the wealthy paying a greater share, then we should encourage the proliferation of the wealthy. One way to get more taxes from millionaires is to have more millionaires. More

'Is Morsi about to turn Egypt into the new Iran?'

Protests continue...


EBAY pulls Glenn Beck 'Obama in Pee Pee' jar after bids rise to $11,300...

In Cuba, Tax-Free Life Is on the Way Out...

  • Minnesota Taxpayers Challenge State Abortion Funding

    Thu Nov 29 08:13:59 2012 ? by rhema

    Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys filed a lawsuit Tuesday on behalf of two Minnesota taxpayers challenging the state?s unauthorized use of state funds being used for elective abortions. The plaintiffs in Walker v. Jesson are suing to prevent the state from using public funds to pay for non-therapeutic abortions on indigent women. The Minnesota Legislature passed a statute in the late 1970s limiting the abortions it would pay for, and also banned taxpayer funding for elective abortions. In 1995, the state Supreme Court struck down part of the statute, ruling that the state cannot withhold state funding for abortions that?

  • PM: Ignore the Sound of UN Applause

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has a message for Israelis planning to watch the UN General Assembly approve the PA?s bid to be recognized as a non-voting observer state later Thursday: There is no need to be upset. Speaking Thursday, Netanyahu said that the PA?s statehood bid was ?meaningless. The decision by the General Assembly to raise the PA delegation?s status to a non-member observer state will not advance the establishment of a Palestinian state. I suggest that we not be impressed with the applause at the General Assembly. It doesn?t matter how many hands are raised against us, we have?


Tammy Baldwin house of representatives paul ryan michele bachmann donald trump Election 2012 map Election Results Map

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