Monday, December 3, 2012

Looking for a partner

I'm back on the hunt for a roleplay partner after seemingly being abandoned by a few. I have very few guidelines and what I look for in a partner.

1. Consistency: I'm in school and I have an internship, I don't expect replies all the time. A reply once a day, or once everyday is fine by me.
2. Literacy: 3 paragraphs (5+sentences each) or so, give or take.
3. A true partner: Please, please tell me what you like and don't like. I want you to love the roleplay as much as I do.
4. No abandon: Tell me if you're not feeling it anymore, I'm chill with it. I just like to know so that *my* schedule frees up more and I'm aware of it and I'm not checking for your replies. That being said, I'm looking for a long-term partner. I tend to keep my partners for years, and have several that I've been roleplaying with for 5+ years.
5. Be of age, I'm 21 and I feel weird roleplaying with anyone significantly younger than me.
6. Aware me of your limits, or else I'll assume there are none.

That being said, I'd like to have this roleplay over PM or e-mail, as they are the easiest and quickest way for me to get a response to you. I prefer realistic roleplays, and I can play both female and male characters to an equal quality, and I'd prefer that you were able to. I love having main characters and dozens of small little characters that play a less important role. But you should be able to manage that.

Onto the fun ideas?

1. A young couple (early to mid twenties) are starting their life out together. One is an absolute work-a-holic and never seems to stop. If it's not business trips, it's long hours in the office and deadlines to meet. The other character is desperate to settle down and start a family. They want the 2.5 kids, the house with a white picket fence and a dog in the front yard. They are also hopelessly in love, but they're not sure how to deal with the different things they want. One wants to move up the carrer lader before they feel like they're ready to settle down and the other is ready to have kids and get married tomorrow.

2. After breaking off an engagement years ago two individuals meet up again. This time they've both started their different lives, they both have their own skeletons in the closet and they've both obviously had or have their own relationships, but there is an obvious spark in both of them that thy can't ignore. It'll explore friendship and potential romance and potential jealousy issues.

3. Loved ones dealing with some sort of loss or mental illness that one is going through. Potential military with PTSD or an alcoholic dealing with their issues.

ANY idea you have. I normally like romances with a lot and I mean a lot of drama. Just when we think we've run out of drama, I like to throw more in, and I'd like you to do the same. Please PM me if interested.


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