Friday, September 21, 2012

Investing 101, Investing 101 |

Posted by carlylance in Money & Finance on 09 20th, 2012 | no responses

People interested in improving their financial status should consider investing.

The main reason many people don?t invest is because they think they are not smart enough. They don?t want to take a risk and lose their money. For many people, investing and gambling is the same thing.

However, investing is not gambling, and you should not be afraid to invest. Don?t let the fancy talk scare you. Investing, in its purest form, is really easy to learn. Here are some reasons you don?t need to understand the technical terms and fancy language.

You?ll learn as you begin investing

Don?t worry about learning the ins and outs of investing before you make your first trade or investment. As you continue, you will start to understand some of the tougher terminology and its importance.

Most people invest in blue-chip stocks, which are just stocks that are safe to invest in. Major companies, such as Apple and Walmart, are companies that are considered to have blue-chip stocks. You can be sure that these stocks stay on long-term paths. Therefore, if the blue-chip stock is rising, it will probably do so for a long period. Again, you will learn these terms as you continue to invest in various companies and explore your options.

Most of the larger terms don?t apply to simple investing and trading

If you just want to have a place to save and grow your money, then you don?t need to spend weeks trying to learn about professional investing. You can pick a safe stock and just treat it like a savings account. Stocks typically have a greatly interest rate than regular savings accounts. Of course, you are not guaranteed that your money will grow when you place it in a stock, which is why most people compare investing with gambling.

Because you?re better than that!

Here comes the slightly humorous part. Don?t let senior investors and financial experts try to scare you into quitting or spending too much time learning about pointless economic principles. No, you?re better than that. Be confident in your investments. Don?t let people tell you that you need to do or learn certain things before you start investing. You know what you want and you?ve done the necessary amount of research. If more people were like you, everyone?s financial health would be in better condition.


The main thing you should take away from this is that there is no truly right time to start investing. If you really feel like you need to study before you start trading, then by all means, do just that. However, you should also understand that you don?t need to be a professional broker to start placing trades and investing. Maybe you could start with just investing in a company that you like.

investingAbout the Author

Carly Lance thinks of herself as a personal finance junkie and loves to blog about saving money, frugal living and getting out of debt whenever she can. She believes a happy life = happy finances. Carly is also employed as a blog manager and financial blogger at Personalbankruptcycanada, a company dedicated to helping ?good people with bad debt.?

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