Friday, August 24, 2012

How God sees you

A Christian Science perspective.

By Annette Bridges / August 24, 2012

I?m one of those folks who have been captivated by reality television. Well ... at least some of the reality programs.

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But there?s another reality that captures my attention in a much more significant way ? the reality of all things spiritual. I love to ponder in prayer what I believe God knows and sees from His entirely spiritual perspective.

I?ve often thought about the scripture that says that God is of ?purer eyes than to behold evil? (Habakkuk 1:13). I like this concept of God. God who is completely good, perfect, overflowing with pure love and grace. God who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.

Many times when I?ve been struggling with some problem, I?ve found it healing and transforming to consider what I believe the God-view is of me ? what I believe the spiritual reality is versus how things look on the surface.

When I?ve felt weak, I?ve found strength in thinking of God?s view of me as strong. When I?ve felt alone and depressed, I?ve been comforted thinking of God?s ever-present arms around me. When I?ve felt uncertain and indecisive, I?ve been calmed with the knowledge that God knows what is best and will guide me in the right direction. When I?ve felt ill, I?ve been restored to health by knowing that God, who is Love, doesn?t send sickness upon His dearly beloved children ? and also by knowing that God, who is omnipotent and good, eliminates evil.

To me this understanding of what God?s view is enabled Jesus to heal multitudes without always knowing the name or type of illness each person in the crowd was experiencing. He only needed to know what God was knowing and seeing. And this God-view healed instantly and completely.

As Mary Baker Eddy wrote: ?Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God?s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick? (?Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,? pp. 476-477).

Yes, in God?s eyes, we are innocent, active, joyous, peace-filled, healthy, loving, and all the etceteras that God?s children must be as His image and likeness. I find much encouragement in understanding that my Father-Mother God has such a view of me.

Christ Jesus? parable of the prodigal son exemplifies God?s vision of His children (see Luke 15:11-32). It?s a story about two brothers. One is faithful and obedient and fulfills his father?s expectations of him without question or fault. But the other son goes off on his own and does everything he shouldn?t ? until he is penniless and homeless. He finally returns home to ask his father to forgive him and hire him as a servant, feeling he is no longer worthy to be treated as a son.

But when the son faces his father with his apology and declaration, it?s almost as if the father doesn?t even hear him. This father sees only his beloved son returning home safe and well, and he immediately has his servants prepare a feast to honor him.

I love the idea of my Father-Mother God always seeing the best in me. This makes me feel that anything is possible. That it?s never too late. This makes me want to live up to God?s view ? the perfect, spiritual reality. And that makes me feel that I can. We all can.


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